Delivering safety and comfort with…
Room Controllers & Sensors

Precise, Energy Efficient Airflow Control
Our complete line of controllers and sensors maintain precise airflow and temperature conditions in the most demanding spaces. Whether you needs standard speed actuation or fast speed of response, our systems deliver safety and comfort.
AVR Room Temperature and Airflow Tracking Control System
The Accutrol AVR Room Temperature and Airflow Tracking Control System provides the next evolution in airflow tracking control technology for critical environment spaces. The AVR is the first product that builds room temperature control and high accuracy airflow tracking control directly into the airflow control valve.

- Integral Operation with Low Pressure Drop AccuValve®
- Simplified Configuration (no programming, no menus)
- Intuitive Insight Graphical User Interface Software Dashboard
- Room Temperature Control Capability
- Reheat Valve Control Capability
- Supply and Exhaust/Return Airflow Tracking
- BACnet® is Software Selectable (no dip switches)
- Bluetooth® Configuration Option
- Accutrol ARS Room Sensor
AC8200 & AC8300 Room Airflow and Temperature Controllers
The Accutrol AC8200 and AC8300 are versatile high-speed controllers for airflow and temperature control of laboratories, life science, healthcare and other critical environments. The AC8200 and AC8300 can be used to directly control the AccuValve AVT series or to provide setpoints for the AccuValve AVC series.
- Used with AccuValve Airflow Control Valves
- Room Airflow Tracking Control
- Room Temperature and Humidity Control
- Built-in HTML5 Web Server
- BACnet® TCOM, Modbus and Web Service
- Built-in VPN Server and Client
- 1.2GHz Quad Core Processor
- 8GB Memory
- 24V AC/DC Power
Room and Duct Temperature (RH) Sensors
The Accutrol Room Sensor (ARS2) and Duct Temperature/RH Sensor (ADSs) are designed to be used with the Accutrol AVR Series AccuValve. The ARS2 provides temperature and humidity sensing with options for display, setpoint slider and motion detection. The ADS2 provides precise measurement of the air temperature and RH flowing through the return/exhaust duct of the room when required in lieu of the wall mounted ARS2.

The Accutrol Room Temperature Sensor (RTS100) and Duct Temperature Sensor (DTS100) are designed to be used with the Accutrol AC8000 Series Controllers and BAS Controllers.

Accutrol’s Award-winning Insight Software
All AccuValve models incorporate a simple and intuitive graphical user interface, which enables the user to configure the valve for their specific requirements. Accutrol's Insight software, provided free of charge, insures that the owner is not required to contact the manufacturer of the airflow control system when changes are required in the field.