Award-winning, Innovative Airflow Solutions for Critical Environments

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Accutrol, LLC specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of innovative airflow technologies for critical environment airflow control and airflow measurement. The features and benefits of our award-winning products make us the choice of many of the world’s most prestigious and demanding clients.

Award-winning AccuValves

The award-winning AccuValve® was designed for 21st century critical environment airflow control. The valve’s sustainable “green” design delivers state-of-the-art airflow control including low pressure drop, true airflow measurement and no need for straight runs.

Award-winning Fume Hood Control System

The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System combines the award-winning design of the low pressure drop AccuValve® Airflow Control Valve with a “smart” fume hood display and a powerful and intuitive user interface. This innovative combination allows owners to easily set up and change the fume hood configuration without complicated manuals.

VorTek Airflow Control Products

Airflow Measurement Products

Accutrol Airflow Measurement Products are designed for precise airflow measurement, monitoring and control. Our innovative products are designed for direct input to the building automation system (BAS) to provide accurate airflow measurement for many types of applications including outside air, duct, fan inlet and fan array. The VorTekG3, IAQ and AccuStation products are designed for ease of application and ease of use.

Upcoming Shows

Please watch this space for upcoming shows and events we will be attending!