Demystifying Fume Hood Control Systems with a Simple, Intuitive User Interface
AVC Fume Hood Control System

Award-winning Fume Hood Control
The award-winning Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System with Accutrol Insight graphical software provides an unprecedented evolution in fume hood control technology. It significantly simplifies the start-up, operation, and modification for VAV fume hoods.
AVC Fume Hood Control System
The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System combines the award-winning design of the low pressure drop AccuValve® Airflow Control Valve with a “smart” fume hood display and a powerful and intuitive user interface. This innovative combination allows owners to easily set up and change the fume hood configuration without complicated manuals.

- Integral operation with low pressure drop AccuValve
- Visual/audible flow, alarm and purge
- Text alarm messages on display
- Programmable purge set point
- Up to 4 user-defined setback sequences
- Optimized energy savings
- Simple installation and wiring
- Simplified set-up (no menus)
- Intuitive graphical user interface using our Insight software

Simple Configuration
When used with the FHM3 touchscreen monitor (or FHM1 monitor) and the free Accutrol Insight UI software, any laptop computer can be used to configure the controls to meet the needs of your fume hood.
Easy to Understand Format
The Insight dashboard offers a wealth of information on the operation of the controls in a simple to understand format showing airflow measurement and setpoint in analog, digital and trending formats. The trending graph is extremely useful for tuning the control loop for your individual fume hood requirements

Set Up in a Few Clicks
The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System now gives you control. No large manuals. No complicated setup. Our Insight software allows simple configuration of the AccuValve AVC6000 to suit your needs. Setting up or changing the fume hood configuration is accomplished with a few clicks of your mouse, using the easy to use Insight graphical format.
Answers to Your AVC Fume Hood Control System Questions
Does the AVC Fume Hood Control System provide independent control of the fume hood airflow volume?
Yes. It provides a safe, energy‐efficient, cost‐effective independent fume hood control package. The system is configured to control VAV fume hood face velocity based upon open sash area. Alarms can be field configured to indicate a variety of fault conditions to further suit your facility’s specific needs. Importantly, your cost of ownership is reduced, and everyday operations simplified.
Does the AVC Fume Hood Control System directly measure airflow for true airflow feedback to the Laboratory Airflow Control System or is it metered?
Yes. It directly measures airflow through the integral digital vortex airflow sensor provided within the AccuValve.
Does the AVC Fume Hood Control System operate with different types of fume hoods (e.g.: Conventional VAV, High Performance, etc.)?
Yes. It can be configured to operate with any type of VAV fume hood on the market whether it be a conventional or high performance (low‐flow) design.
This system, with free downloadable Insight software, provides an unprecedented evolution in fume hood control technology. It significantly simplifies the start‐up, operation and modification for VAV fume hoods. The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System combines the award‐winning design of the low pressure drop AccuValve® Airflow Control Valve with a “smart” fume hood display and a powerful and intuitive user interface. This innovative combination allows owners to easily set up and change the fume hood configuration without complicated manuals.
Is the Accutrol Fume Hood Airflow Controller integral to the Airflow Valve or provided separately for field installation?
The Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System is integral to the AccuValve airflow valve. This creates a lower installed cost by saving installation time and wiring in the field. It is comprised of the AccuValve with an integral airflow measurement and control system, which includes a “smart” display mounted on the front of the fume hood. This unique measurement and control system, referred to as ePI®, provides pressure‐independent performance using sophisticated smart electronics rather than complex mechanical components in the air stream.
Is the Accutrol AVC Fume Hood Control System native BACnet MS/TP?
Yes. It is native BACnet MS/TP. The AVC controller uses the BACnet MS/TP (Master‐Slave/Token Passing) protocol which is a type of MAC layer implemented using the EIA‐485 signaling standard. The AVC AccuValve supports a collection of BACnet‐visible objects for Read, Write and Command.
Does the AVC Fume Hood Control System utilize a PC based system for configuration?
Yes. It utilizes a PC based system. When used with the standard AFC display and the free Accutrol Insight UI software, any Windows based laptop computer can be used to configure the controls to meet the needs of your fume hood. The Insight dashboard offers a wealth of information on the operation of the controls in a simple to understand user‐friendly format showing airflow measurement and setpoint in analog, digital and trending formats. The trending graph is extremely useful for tuning the control loop for your individual fume hood requirements.
How does a PC Based User Interface System differ from a menu‐based system?
The Accutrol PC based system is an intuitive graphical user interface in simple to understand format from any Windows based laptop computer. Menu‐based systems require you to scroll through a large decision tree for configuration selections and do not provide any graphical based user interface.
What are some of the benefits of a PC Based User Interface System?
A PC‐based User Interface System allows owners to easily set up and change the fume hood configuration without complicated manuals. Operation of the fume hood control is demystified in a simple to understand format showing airflow measurement and setpoint in analog, digital and trending formats. This enables owners to take charge of their system eliminating the need for costly local support.
Has the AVC Fume Hood Control System been professionally recognized within the industry?
Yes. It is Accutrol’s second AHR Innovation Award winner in the Building Automation category.

Accutrol’s Award-winning Insight Software
All AccuValve models incorporate a simple and intuitive graphical user interface, which enables the user to configure the valve for their specific requirements. Accutrol's Insight software, provided free of charge, insures that the owner is not required to contact the manufacturer of the airflow control system when changes are required in the field.