About Us

July 14, 2023
New ISO 9001:2015 Certification
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June 19, 2023
New ISO-Tek® Product Released
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July 17, 2017
Accutrol Moves to Larger Facility
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January 15, 2016
Accutrol Named Winner of 2016 AHR Innovation Award
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January 15, 2015
Accutrol Acquires Tek-Air
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Accutrol, LLC is the manufacturer of both the AccuValve® low pressure drop airflow control valve and the AVC Fume Hood Control System, both AHR Innovation award-winning products. We are proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified for the design, manufacturing and supply of our AccuValve airflow control valve.
In addition, we manufacture the superior VorTek™ airflow measurement product line as well as other world-class airflow control products. Our innovative technologies are used in critical environments and other specialized applications where the demand for 21st century sustainable airflow design is crucial.
Accutrol has been owned and operated by Fred George since 2005. Fred has been involved in the pharmaceutical and laboratory marketplace for over 40 years. He also designed and patented the AccuValve, which is the industry’s first new airflow control valve built for critical environments within the last 40 years.
Our Quality Promise
We are committed and dedicated to achieving the highest quality standards for our products and services through our quality management system.
Our journey is to create value that is sustainable, efficient and builds trust with our customers. Our goal is to achieve growth and leading position in our markets through quality by:
- Guaranteeing product safety and full compliance by following our policies, principles, and standards with full transparency.
- Striving for zero defects and no waste by constantly looking for opportunities to apply our continuous efficient improvement approach to deliver competitive advantage.
- Seeking consistency in the performance, composition, and physical appearance of our products.
- Engaging in our commitment across our complete value chain and at all levels of our organization to build the Accutrol Quality mind-set.
At its core, Quality is first about trust in our products, our service, and our brand.